1 min read
NWMLS Changes the Rules. Is this the end of the MLS Era?
Steve Olson
Jun 3, 2024 2:44:22 PM
In odder for lasting, permanent (I say that loosely) change to occur, a few things must be present.
- Competition
- Choice
- A better way
Here is the hardest way change happens.
- When it is forced due to fear.
All of these change, while some will be good for the consumer, are not happening. because there are better options or because, there is competition forcing the evolution of real estate.
It is changing because of a lawsuit.
It is changing due to fear.
So here is my advice to you…
Your network needs to be bigger than it has ever been before. More people need to know you are their only choice.
There will be change in commission.
People’s real estate agent involvement and trends will change.
This is not maybe. It is when.
This isn’t the end. It is the beginning. Remember, a huge % of all active real estate agents weren’t even in the business during the last downturn. That is how long of a bull market we have been in.
I commend the updates NWMLS are making. I believe they were made for the consumer, not to avoid litigation.
It is leadership and a massive step forward.
Keap going.