
Is Scripting Dead For Real Estate Agents In 2024?

Written by Steve Olson | Apr 10, 2024 12:47:00 AM


An honest question...

Do you use scripts?

Whether you think you do or not. You do. In fact everything we say is a script. We are trained in life on how to communicate. In good ways an in bad. 

The fact is if you are not proactively sing a script then yo are likely using a subconscious one. 

What is the goal of a script?

1. To uncover is the client is qualified

2. To come to a mutual understanding that you have the solution to their problem.

What is the definition of a sales script?

A series of questions meant to guide the other party to a desired result. 

There is no explaining in a script. All questions. 

In a nutshell, I believe your scripts matter right now more than ever.